Tag: ENT specialist clinic

ENT Summit 2022


Private healthcare workers should not be delayed at lockdown roadblocks, says association

https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/06/03/private-healthcare-workers-should-not-be-delayed-at-lockdown-roadblocks-says-association KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): The Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia calls for immediate action on the distress faced...

Healthcare Sector: Are you ready for the New reality? Webinar by UOW Malaysia KDU

10th June 2020: "Are we ready for the new reality webinar related to healthcare sector" webinar was organised...

Beyond CPAP and Sleep Surgery: Panel Discussion at ENT Summit 2020

ENT summit 2020 had an interesting panel discussion on the future of sleep apnea and nasal obstruction....

Debate on Video: Tonsillectomy vs Tonsillotomy: Lecture Series ENT Summit 2020

Dr Jeevanan Jahendran speaks after the debate on tonsillectomy vs tonsillotomy at the recently concluded ENT summit...

Co-Vid Testing And Protection

Co-Vid 19 has taught us a lot. Something we never imagined and even thought of preparing for...

ENT surgeons: Are we ready to practice during Co-Vid 19?: This webinar has some of the answers

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q89zHm2b0jc WE just concluded the above webinar exclusive for ENT Surgeons on: Practice during the Co-Vid Pandemic This...

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