How are we going to be prepared with ENT Surgical Cases during Co-Vid



Patients with ENT symptoms will have to be treated. Question is how do we treat them? Co-Vid or Non Co-vid Patients will have to be screened. There are many pathways. I found this method the easiest to understand. Perhaps there will be better guidelines elsewhere.

Read through this link and let’s be prepared.

Editor:Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh



Integrated infection control strategy to minimize nosocomial infection of coronavirus disease 2019 among ENT healthcare workers

Published:February 27, 2020DOI:
Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh
Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh
Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh is Consultant ENT Surgeon for few years now. He has been active in the social media recently and this project is to further enhance the knowledge in ENT amongst the professionals. He has managed different medical professional and hospital associations and has written widely in the print and social media. Besides that, he has organized various types of conferences and meetings in Malaysia and some in the region. He has been invited at various forums and talk shows to share ideas and thoughts.

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