HMA [Health Management Asia] today arranged a great webinar with the Presidents of a few Private Hospitals Association in Asia. The topic of discussion was on the management of Co-Vid 19 in our individual countries.
Its has been a tough journey so far as no one could anticipate anything in this fight against Co-Vid 19. Very interesting discussion and HMA will be soon preparing a report on our discussion.
Economics and Testing
We found that the economic issues are similar across Asia.
Korea have concentrated their financial resources on mass testing.They have their own kits [no doubt its easier for them] but their reasoning is very acceptable: as there is no anti-viral and vaccine now hence testing is the best weapon we have in order to curb the spread of this disease [mentioned by their private association representative]

The Koreans have managed it well by performing thousand over tests a day. This has made their data are pretty strong and reflective of the real situation. We are hoping to get the Rapid Antigen Test Kit available soon in Malaysia hence the testing can be done widely.

We had Dr Wang Jun Lee from Korea, Dr Widy Wibisana from Indonesia, Dr Wasista Budiwaluyo from Indonesia, Dr Girdhar Gyani from India and Dr Pongpat Patanavanich from Thailand.
Appreciating HMA!
My sincere appreciation to HMA in organising this webinar and especially to Ms Pinky Fadullon. We had a good opportunity to exchange ideas and learning from each other.
HMA 2020 conference in Bali, Indonesia scheduled later this year: