The Pandemic
We are into the 2nd month of this pandemic as far as Malaysia is concerned and if one calculates from the first case detected then its close to 3 months. Malaysia had been on a Movement Control Order now close to 6 weeks.
The numbers of new cases detected each day is in double digits and the death rate has decreased. Definitely we have achieved some great progress.
The pressing Questions are: What would be the steps to keep this pace going? How do we avoid a sudden increase of numbers again and creating new clusters? Do we open up the MCO completely? Or its has to be done in stages?

My webinar today was with a group of Healthcare providers from Bangladesh and they were very keen to know how we did it particularly from a private healthcare perspective.
Private Public Health Collaboration
The message was clear that the Ministry of Health Malaysia took the task solely and kept the situation well checked. Private healthcare supported in certain areas when required especially in loaning ventilators, preparing beds to receive Non-Covid patients from the government hospitals plus 515 slots for dialysis.
Sharing Advice
The most important value and advice I shared was in order to contain this pandemic, testing is particularly important in the target groups and enhancing strict discipline of social distancing, self hygiene and salient features for the public to understand the spread of this disease.
Listen to the recording of the Webinar for for details:
Posted by QoQ Asia on Selasa, 21 April 2020